Benjamin Kutschan

Email: benjamin(at)

Aktuelles Projekt: Flugwindkraftwerk (Deutsch), Airborne Wind Energy (English)

Für Schüler: isomathe (Klassen 5-10)

Doktorarbeit: pdf

Kites for Future

isomathe (Klassen 5-10)

RL balancing a bicopter

without momentum

RL balancing a pendulum

OpenGL 3 backend

TT tangent cones (3 fingers to swipe or arrow keys)

Paper TT tangent cones

Numerik partieller Differentialgleichungen Wintersemester 2014

CG lin FEM ohne hierarchische Basis

CG lin FEM mit hierarchischer Basis

Numerik 1

Numerik 1 WS 2018
Numerik 1 WS 2017
Numerik 1 WS 2016
Numerik 1 WS 2015

Numerik 2 Sommersemester 2015

Programming in C
Test: Do you understand this?
1. Homework
2. Homework(mem leaks caused by libs are ok)
3. Homework
4. Homework resultingProgram
5. Homework
6. Homework jscript prototype
7. Homework
8. Homework
9. Homework
(If you save a script (text file for compile command)
with gedit, you can choose the line ending
type (Windows, Unix, ...). If you have not chosen Unix,
then the script might not execute correctly.)
